Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
What Are Your Projects?
Message from Our Lord and God Jesus Christ to Sister Beghe in Belgium on March 11, 2025

My dear children,
Here I am again, I have so much to tell you that time, paper and ink would not be enough. But we have eternity ahead of us to talk, love and work together. Think of Me, I am the dispenser of all your goods and the more you work in union with Me, the more I will bless your works.
I think of all of you who work but don't receive the fruit of your labor. Times are difficult, many men are guided by selfishness and are not friends of their fellow human beings when they should be. This is the message I want to give you so that you are always close to Me, working in union with Me, in thought, word and deed.
The earth is suffering, the earth itself and the men who inhabit it. The earth becomes barren because men exploit it, taking the best from it and forcing it to give more and more. It is artificially fertile and so its gifts also become artificial. Fertilizers, instead of being soil, are chemical and, year after year, cause more and more damage to the soil. It's like feeding a human being chemical vitamins instead of fruit and vegetables. It would wither and shrink and, to revitalize it, it would receive even more chemical vitamins. The result would be and is catastrophic.
The earth needs rest, to find itself again, to find worms that enrich and oxygenate it, it needs its flowers that feed the bees, it needs its thousands of protective insects that are neither polluting nor destructive.
The bad insects that destroy survive while the good insects, necessary for biodiversity, are destroyed. People who don't respect God's gift are unbelievers and, with the loss of the Christian spirituality that seemed to be almost inscribed in the genes of Western man, they lose their essence, their reason for being, their friendship with God.
When a man loses his friendship with God, he is immediately approached by the devil and Christian civilization is attacked from all sides. The political authorities, coming from the de-Christianized population, are at the service of money, but you can't serve God and money. It's either one or the other, they don't mix.
Contemporary man has become a prevaricator, he works because he has to and also out of ambition, and there are many men who get up in the morning and go to bed at night without having had, during all their waking hours, any thought of God, of exercising virtue, of imitating the example of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary. They live according to their personal needs, their ambitions, their obligations and, when the end of their lives comes, they have earned no merit, they have availed themselves of no grace and every hand extended by God to help them has been ignored.
They may be great in the eyes of men, they may have been notable figures, their compatriots weep for them and praise them, but before the Court of God, they are surprised, they are silent, they are speechless. What did they do for Him, what did they do to help their fellow man selflessly? They have no memory of it. Then God asks them: “What are your plans now?” “They lower their eyes, lose their pride and all references, they are left empty and without an answer because here, at the foot of the divine Tribunal, nothing depends on them, everything depends on God. Looking down, they answer: NOTHING.
So their destiny is this: nothing, the absence of everything, the emptiness of everything, NOTHING in its terrifying absolute, which simply includes nothing.
Such is the disaster into which so many souls run, who only care about earthly goods, who strive and work too hard, but for whom the eternal future is a distant horizon that has no present interest. They, the goods, are not there and therefore don't count. Oh, they pay for life insurance, all kinds of insurance to be covered in the event of an accident, but the big accident, that of the lost supernatural life, they don't take into account.
Well, most importantly, supernatural life lasts for centuries and centuries, while life on earth rarely lasts a single century. It's so short and those who live on the boil of their good health live as if they were eternal. They have no regard for God or their neighbor, and the provisions they make for their eternal life are nil.
Then, as soon as they enter the unseen world, they bring nothing, no parachute, no engine, no jets to rescue them.
Pray, My children, pray for those poor souls who are not interested in what is important and do not follow your example. Make spiritual provision, grow in holiness so that, at the time of your private judgment, you can answer the divine question “What do you bring?”
What are your projects?”, you can answer positively according to the objectives that were yours during your earthly life. God will then say to you: “Well done, good and faithful servant; I will give you much for the little you have done; enter into the joy of your Lord. “ (Mt 25:23).
Let this Gospel of the talents be your reading today and meditate on it because it concerns your life at every moment. At every moment you can make your talents, your talent bear fruit, at every moment you can offer your actions of the moment for the greater glory of God, at every moment you can imitate the Lord Jesus Christ in His private and public life, as well as the Blessed Virgin Mary from Her birth to Her death, which earned Her the Assumption.
I love you all, privately and individually, and I am waiting for you at the Divine Tribunal to hold you in My arms and introduce you into eternal bliss. Be one of those who will enter!
God bless you! In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
May it be so.
Your Lord and your God.